Clean Water is Just the Beginning 

Join us to help bring safe and reliable water services into remote regions in Uganda and Ghana.

Launching: World Water Day: Sunday, March 22nd

We’re on a quest to bring sustainable, safe drinking water to everyone. 

Our next—and crucial step—is to expand to Ghana, to help train women to start water filtration businesses. 

In Northern Ghana, people are currently drinking from contaminated ponds and streams. 

Founded by Kate Cincotta, an MIT grad, she developed an appropriate and effective water filtration system that is easy-to-use, affordable and makes water safe to drink. 

Every $30 will give one person in Ghana clean drinking water. 

Key Dates: 

The campaign will launch on World Water Day, March 22nd.

How to Join Us:

  • Help one person - donate $30. Provide one person with clean and safe drinking water in Ghana.
  • Fundraise. Every $4,000 raised will help one woman become a water filtration businesswoman. Working alongside her two female colleagues, they will run a water business in their village in Ghana, serving at least 400 people everyday. Fundraisers can use our own fundraising pages: or Facebook.
  • Fundraise or sponsor an entire village. Every $12,000 will enable one village in Northern Uganda to gain a water filtration business. You will hire three women to run the business, creating livelihoods while helping 400 people gain access to clean drink water every day.


For every $12,000 raised, one village will get clean water for the first time. 

If you give or raise $4,000, you and your supporters will receive the name, photo and story of the women you helped to hire. 

If you raise $12,000, you and your supporters will receive, After a new business is opened:

  • Village name and location
  • Photo of the water source they were using before
  • Photo of water business
  • Date of opening day
  • Opening day revenue
  • Names, photos, and "fun facts for the entrepreneurs
  • Village population

Reporting schedule: We were hoping to get all of these incredible results for you in April, but we have postponed our media teams travel schedule due to the Coronavirus. Once it is deemed safe we will reschedule our team's trip, hopefully for late spring / early summer.


Join us in helping thousands of children get clean drinking water. 

TAP is a 501(C)3 nonprofit.  All donations are tax deductible. 

Photos by Esther Havens Mann and Lucy Parker.


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